Growing Up

Kind en Gezin (Child and Family), Jeugdhulp (Youth Welfare), Groeipakket (Growth Package) and the Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie (the Flemish Centre for Adoption) together form the agency Opgroeien (Growing Up).

The agency is joining forces to create as many opportunities as possible for all children and young people, including their families, who grow up in Flanders and Brussels. Bruno Vanobbergen heads the agency (as acting administrator-general), together with managing directors Inge Kinnaer and David Debrouwere.

The agency’s service provision ranges from preventive family support, childcare, the Groeipakket, foster care, adoption, youth support and the approach to juvenile delinquents. Opgroeien explicitly opts for an integrated, multidisciplinary approach in cooperation with a large number of partners. In this way, families are given maximum support.


“Whether it concerns a child with specific care needs in childcare, a teenager who can no longer stay at home, a family who needs information ... Opgroeien wants to provide maximum support to all these children, teenagers and families”
Bruno Vanobbergen, administrator-general